Truthiness and National Priorities

by matttbastard

533,000 US jobs lost in November, raising the unemployment rate to 6.7%. And they’re still fucking talking about that oft-debunked conspiracy theory regarding Obama’s citizenship.

We are so fucked.

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What’s At Stake

by matttbastard

While Ottawa smolders with inflamed partisanship, CP reports that Canada shed 70,600 jobs in November, the highest monthly job loss figures since 1982, when the country was mired in a deep recession (as opposed to a ‘technical’ recession *cough*). Guess which province (and sector) overwhelmingly bore the brunt of the bleeding?


Ontario shed 66,000 jobs last month, leading the country to the largest decline since the deep recession of 1982.

The province’s losses pushed the unemployment rate to 7.1 per cent from 6.5 per cent the previous month. Overall, 70,600 jobs were chopped across the country.

The battered manufacturing sector was mostly responsible for the job bleeding in Ontario with a decline of 42,000. That took the factory sector’s share of employment in the province to 13 per cent – down from 18.2 per cent six years ago.

Gee, too bad our prime minister concluded the most prudent step to address the economy was to lock the doors of parliament, at a time when stability and leadership is absolutely vital if we are to maintain public confidence in an increasingly unstable economic landscape. All because Stephen Harper apparently values his own job security over that of the nation. Oh, and I hope you all will excuse me for being a little skeptical of Tony Clement’s MacGyver-like creativity in the midst of a crisis in the auto industry.

Enjoy your fire alarm vacation, Steve. We’ll see you on the 26th. Of January.

Related: Is changing the government without an election “undemocratic”, as Harper and Co. have repeatedly claimed? Of course not. So maybe someone should pass the message along to Bob Fife.

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