Pigs in Zen

by matttbastard

Amanda Marcotte signs on as blogmistress for the Edwards campaign; G*ldst*in and co. blow a wad. Guess how long it takes before the sexism and latent misogyny kicks in? (‘Edwards’ blog bitch’ is my favourite slur thus far.)

At least JG has found something other than his penis to obsess over.

related: Biden in ’08: Shortest. Presidential campaign. EVAR. More from Echidne of the Snakes and Garance Franke-Ruta

Get Out. Now.

by matttbastard

Via Diane Dees: So this is what US military advisors are teaching Iraqi soldiers:

The definitive ‘Rodney King’ incident of the Iraq War or just another unfortunate footnote of depravity, doomed to languish in the memory hole alongside numerous other atrocities?

Chuck Hagel gets the last word:

Sunday Whiny Wanker Roundup

by matttbastard

So much Serious stupidity this weekend:

  • via ConnecticutBLOG: Joe Lieberman gets his ass handed to him on a plate by Chuck Hagel:
  • Dipshit liberal hawk Jon Chait (who, not that long ago, earnestly mused about reinstalling Saddam Hussein to power in Iraq) fears the dirty hippies. So TNR it fucking hurts. (Please, do yourself a favour and read the scathing Radar Online article that has Chait’s sensible granny panties in a twist.)
  • Shorter Michael O’Hanlon: “This surge is likely to fail miserably. That’s why it’s imperative we fully support it.” As Mark Kleiman says, “this crap doesn’t even pass the sniff test”.
  • Some especially Serious thinking about the surge from historian Jeffrey Herf. Congressional Democrats, heed these words: opposing Bush could lead to future electoral defeat, much as it did this past November. via Matt Yglesias
  • Finally, Andrew Sullivan thinks a US withdrawal from Iraq could actually turn geopolitical lemons into half-full ideological lemonade. To paraphrase: “Like, if Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq are busy killing each other in a bloody sectarian civil war, they’ll totally forget about who initially provoked them. And, if we’re really lucky, the conflict will expand throughout the region.” Brilliant! So thoughtful and–wait for it–Serious! Truly a worthy Wanker of the Day recipient. (For a less, er, repulsive assessment of the limited options available to the US, read this editorial by Middle East Report Online.)

And this is news because…?

by matttbastard

teh prophet!

AP reports that wingnutty Evangelical blow-hard Pat Robertson has a direct hotline to Jeebus – and Jeebus isn’t happy with America (surprise surprise):

In what has become an annual tradition of prognostications, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Tuesday that a terrorist attack on the United States would result in “mass killing” late in 2007.

“I’m not necessarily saying it’s going to be nuclear,” he said during his news-and-talk television show “The 700 Club” on the Christian Broadcasting Network. “The Lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.”

Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.

Blah blah blah fire and brimstone, yadda yadda yadda weeping and gnashing of teeth. Why can’t God ever give useful advice, like stock tips, or who’s going to win the World Cup of cricket?

(via cleek in ObWi comments)