I write letters to the enemy

Dear Wingnuttia,

Congratulations. With this latest five-alarm inferno of assembly-line red-baiting stupid you have finally roasted the shark that you gleefully keep jumping over and covered its charred remains in a burial shroud that maybe-kinda-sorta looks like scary Muslim head gear. Try not to choke on any donuts in the midst of your perpetual orgy of faux-outrage.

Hugs and kisses,


(h/t maha)

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Brave New Films: Did McCain Coordinate Obama Attack with Swiftboaters?

by matttbastard


Vets for Freedom is a swiftboating group attacking Barack Obama, and the McCain campaign is using the exact same attack. There are close ties between the two organizations: have they illegally coordinated their activities?

How close are these “close ties”?

Two of John McCain’s campaign co-chairs, Senators Lindsay Graham and Joe Lieberman, turn out to be advisers to an anti-Obama 527. There’s nothing illegal about this, but it does violate McCain’s stated policy of not…having members of his campaign team also work with 527s involved in the presidential campaign.

I’m sure the Man Crush Express will soon be all over this less-than-straight talk like sprinkles on donuts.


Any day now…

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Number 21 With a Bullet

by matttbastard

Nothing says teh funnah quite like a user-generated snuff film:

In the video, a group of male co-workers bored at work begin to chant Boys v. Girls as a challenge. Thing is, there’s only one female in the group, so it’s essentially all the boys ganging up on one girl to torment her…brutalize her…violate her…and eventually kill her. Then they’re seen dragging her body into a storage area for the dead bodies of all the other female co-workers with whom they’ve evidently played this fun game.

Web 2.0 just made satire do a full 360 in its grave (and yours truly throw up a little bit in his mouth). Again, Backlash = user manual for the zeitgeist–with Henry Makow playing the role of tour guide.

(Note: if you want to watch the vid, Liss has posted it at her pad–view at your own risk. )

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