US Rejects Cluster Bomb Treaty

by matttbastard

The BBC reports that over 100 nations have reached an agreement to ban the use of cluster bombs–with a notable abstention (yeah, I think you know what’s coming):

[I]n a statement, the Pentagon stood firm, saying: “While the United States shares the humanitarian concerns of those in Dublin, cluster munitions have demonstrated military utility, and their elimination from US stockpiles would put the lives of our soldiers and those of our coalition partners at risk.”

You know, at this point, I for one am sick to death of this (selective) obsession with demonstrable military utilitarianism and how it trumps basic fucking human rights and the lives of civilians. (Remember them? Technically, you aren’t allowed to kill them–wild, I know.) Let me second Cernig’s demand that the next US president break ranks with the kewl kidz in Russia, China, India and Pakistan (thank Christ the Harpercrats tepidly support the treaty, for now, at least), hold his or her nose, and join noted dirty fucking hippies like Pope Benedict XVI and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in support of the ban.

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