Afro-Punk (AKA The Story of My Life)


Pretty much sums up my adolescence/early adulthood/current state of existence (I’m so old I remember when being black and playing rock/punk/metal was a radical, disruptive act, etc):

Bonus: Interview w/ James Spooner, director of Afro-Punk: The Movie:

Also, too: Live performances (because AGGRO):


RIP Lux Interior 1948-2009

by matttbastard


“It’s a little bit like asking a junkie how he’s been able to keep on dope all these years,” Interior told The Times some years ago. “It’s just so much fun. You pull in to one town and people scream, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ And you go to a bar and have a great rock ‘n’ roll show and go to the next town and people scream, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.’ It’s hard to walk away from all that.”

Walk on home, boy (in red pumps, of course).

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PSA: Vote for Joey Shithead!

by matttbastard

Via Frank Frink:

As you may or may not be aware, it’s the province of British Columbia’s 150th birthday! The Vancouver Sun newspaper has conducted an online poll and produced a list of B.C.’s 150 most influential people of all time. By reader’s choice, Canada’s punk rock godfather Joey Shithead Keithley has been voted onto the list.

Now we are asking you to kick it up a notch and vote Joe into B.C.’s top 10. The voting is open till December 22nd 2008. Imagine the look on the faces of those fat cats like the publisher of the Vancouver Sun if Joe got in there. A punk rocker making history in B.C… the world has changed.

Here’s how to vote:
Click on the link below and select Joey Keithley from the list. Then hit submit. That’s it.

Vote once, vote often… there are many fine candidates (some evil ones too)!

  • It’s B.C.’s 150th Anniversary!
  • Joey Keithley of D.O.A. voted in as one of B.C.’s most influential citizens
  • Vote Joe into the top 10
  • Voting ends December 22nd

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