SIR – You Are a Privileged Wanker

by matttbastard

One of the Economist’s byline-free journamalists has a bug up his or her ass over the concerns some uppity women and negros (remember: no intersection betwixt the two) have expressed about the gender and racial composition of President-elect Barack Obama’s proposed cabinet, resulting in the following dubious (if all-too-familiar) conclusion:

A feminist group (or an African American group) that announces it’s run out of grievances is a group that doesn’t matter anymore. It has to find something awry with Mr Obama. And it has to beat the drum about that if it will pressure the president-elect’s team to choose more women and minorities for subcabinet posts and lower-level jobs. This isn’t a subtle game being played, but it’s striking that not even the first black president gets a few points when it starts.

Economist, audit thyself. Seriously– a small cottage industry has been built around the perpetual irony-free whinging of (mostly) straight, white menz on how feminazis and race hustlers are never satisfied with dining on stale crumbs casually brushed from the table of power. The two instances in question merely provide a convenient pretext for some lazy hack to once again gird themselves with tissue-thin conventional wisdom and climb aboard a post-identity hobby-horse, all because their little pseudo-meritocrical fortress may be breached by an aggrieved (oh-so-aggrieved) horde of dusky, menopausal barbarians at the gates. The nerve!

DJ rewind:

A feminist group (or an African American group) that announces it’s run out of grievances is a group that doesn’t matter anymore. It has to find something awry with Mr Obama.

Subtle gamesmanship? Hardly. Someone must have misplaced their dogwhistle and instead opted for an air horn.

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4 thoughts on “SIR – You Are a Privileged Wanker

  1. Someone must have misplaced their dogwhistle and instead opted for an air horn.

    That one’s worth the price of admission. :)

    Best for the season to you and yours, mattt.


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