Layton Gets Up-Close And Personal With His Colon

by matttbastard


Way to play wingman while Uncle Steve flirts with nativism, Jack.

h/t pogge and Sinister Greg.

Update: Found the following delightful dispatch at a private forum; apparently it’s making the rounds as an email forward. Who knew Bryan Adam’s manager was a racist sack of shit – and that his unrepentant bigotry would strike a chord with ‘real’ citizens:


Bruce Allan [sic] is on the 2010 Olympic Committee and new Canadians (specifically Hindi’s / Indian’s) want him fired for his recent comments outlined below;
Our National Anthem: I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Hindi – enough is enough. Nowhere or at no other time in our nation’s history, did they sing it in Italian, Japanese, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because of immigration.
It was written in English, adapted into co-founding French, and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the Hindi version translation which was not even close to our National Anthem. I am not sorry if this offends anyone, this is MY COUNTRY – IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP —- please pass this along.

I am not against immigration – just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past and LONG LIVE CANADA!”

It’s time we all get behind Bruce Allen, and scrap this Political Correctness crap. His comments were anything but racist, but there are far too many overly sensitive ‘New Canadians’ that are trying to change everything we hold dear. ARE WE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Think about this: If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone,will we still be the Country of Choice and still be CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA because it is the Country of Choice? Think about it.

IMMIGRANTS, NOT CANADIAN’S, MUST ADAPT. It is Time for CANADA to speak up. If you agree – pass this along.

Is that the sort of dangerously exclusive sentiment our political elite wish to further cultivate in Canada by legitimizing othering and outright xenophobia? Because misguided sops to the lowest common denominator like the so-called ‘show-your-face’ bill only encourages the dubious celebration of cultural homogeneity. Like Greg says, “[i]f they think these kinds of actions will not have consequences for the health of our society, they are wrong.”

 Update 2: Dr Dawg has an ultimatum for the NDP: vote this bill down or forever lose his support.  Count me in–even though I haven’t been a member since 2003, I’ve never voted for any other party other than the Dippers. But I can’t in good conscience continue to support them if they allow this bill to pass.

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CBC Gets Too Friendly With Rusty And Jerome

by matttbastard

It seems that in this era of Viagra and retirement home STD crises, you really gotta keep your eyes on a pair of jazz-loving, septuagenarian hand puppets:

The children of the late Bob Homme – the Friendly Giant, whose children’s program appeared on the network from 1958 to 1985 – have reclaimed the iconic puppets from CBC’s Toronto headquarters after they were used last month in a comedy routine on the 2007 Gemini Awards without the family’s permission.

In a brief clip that aired Oct. 28, Rusty the Rooster and Jerome the Giraffe are portrayed by a narrator as smoking, drinking and having sex while living in retirement.

I’d heard the rumours of wild parties at Fred Penner’s place, but was unaware the situation was so grave as to warrant an intervention.

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