Thanks For Nothing – AGAIN

by matttbastard


Fuck Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the spineless, sycophantic Democratic leadership, blissfully content to piss away all political capital accrued last November. Speaks volumes upon volumes when self-interested political jockeying leads Republicans to briefly save a motion of impeachment against Cheney, while the Dem leadership decide their moderate cred trumps upholding civic duty (to say nothing of the will of the people).

Fuck them all.

Related: via Cernig, Captain Ed, re: the Mukasey nomination (which, having made it past the Judiciary committee thanks to Benedicts Schumer and Feinstein, is now “virtually assured” to be confirmed by the Senate):

Instead of looking like they control the appointment process, this exercise just confirms for the Democratic Party base that their Congress has assumed a mostly-supine position vis-a-vis George Bush. What an absurd piece of political theater. As Casey Stengel once said of the Mets, can’t anyone in the Senate Democratic caucus play this game?

What the fuck is the point of controlling both the House and the Senate if the Dems continually roll over for Bush like loyal lap dogs (barring the now-tiresome Kabuki theatrics)? Seriously, Arlan Specter should sue the Donkeys for fucking patent infringement.

Fuck. Them. All.

Update: Image courtesy Democracy In Action (via Jon Schwarz) Originally appropriated by yours truly here, after the FISA rollover.

Update 2:

I’m no Kucinich fan (once a militant fetus fetishist, always a militant fetus fetishist), but these are words to warm a dirty hippie’s heart; too bad Serious Congressional Dems can’t handle the truth.

Update 3: Just wanted to highlight the official Democratic response to H. Res 799, straight from the mouth of House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer:

“Impeachment is not on our agenda. We have some major priorities. We need to focus on those.”

Just remember, kids: Executive accountability is not a ‘major priority’ of the Congressional leadership.

Fuck. Them. ALL.

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4 thoughts on “Thanks For Nothing – AGAIN

  1. Srsly, Alison – totally hearted their respective CYA op-eds.

    Doesn’t get more Orwellian–or Bizarro World–than calling a vote for Mukasey ‘A vote for justice,’ or claiming that ‘Mukasey clearly expressed his personal repugnance regarding torture’.

    At least George and Gracie delivered on the punchline.


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