Dear Conservative Fuckbaskets


Show some fucking decency and pick another date to hold your little partisan circle jerk Rally for Canada.

Hugs ‘n’ kisses,


P.S. *points* Ha ha! /Nelson Muntz

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9 thoughts on “Dear Conservative Fuckbaskets

  1. History move on. There is nothing indecent about protesting anti-democracy on a day that others use as a memorial. Heck, Dec. has been the Feast Day of St. Nicolas for about 1700 years before the Montreal Massacre memorial supplanted itself upon this important day.

    Our protest won’t stop your memorial, so get off your high horse.


  2. Hey Don, um, UThole – the Montreal Massacre did NOT supplant itself upon Dec. 6th. A violent anti-feminist misogynist did that.

    And I take it that there won’t be any Conservatives at any of the Memorials. But then, there never have been.


  3. Man, Steve V. owes me big for all the shilling I’ve done of his very edumacational post. So, please, Don, do be so kind as to edumacate your badass self as to how a parliamentary democracy works (to say nothing of basic arithmetic.)

    Also, the memorial was hardly “supplanted”; Lapine’s massacre actually, y’know, occurred on December 6th, hence why the memorial falls on that particular date. Kinda similar to the reason why, eg, Pearl Harbor Day falls on the same date Pearl Harbor was attacked, as opposed to a couple days after the fact. That’s a bit different than arbitrarily and indifferently choosing to disrespect the memory of the women who were brutally gunned down (on December 6th) by holding a thumbsucking partisan pity party on a day of national mourning (ie, December 6th).

    Geez — apparently y’all can’t grok civics, math OR history. Talk about a trifecta of Conservatwit dumbassery.


  4. Our protest won’t stop your memorial, so get off your high horse.

    You’re right, in the sense that all memorial events will continue as planned. But your protest will, in fact, seriously hinder the point of “our” memorial, which is to remember women who have been killed, not just in Montreal, but by violent misogynists since, and to bring that memory to the attention of those members of the public who don’t think about it every day. This isn’t about a “high horse”, not from “our” end, anyway, and the idea that mourning murdered women is a your/our issue upsets me. As hyperia mentions, the fact that no prominent Conservatives thought that they had anywhere *important* to be on Dec 6th is really quite revealing, innit?


  5. Nice try, MF — the Tories and their astroturf brigade have forced the hand of coalition supporters by declaring December 6th “fuck democracy” day. Regardless of false equivocation your your part, responsibility still resides with the capital ‘C’ Conservative fuckbaskets for initial willful disregard.

    Golf claps for playing the tu quoque card, though. Even if you gave yourself a papercut in the process of shuffling.


  6. You must be one of those “peace loving” progressives I keep hearing about. Not!

    How absolutely despicable of you to deface the memories of the murdered women by using them as a political pawn to support your hatred for Stephen Harper. Don’t try to pretend otherwise.

    At the rally I attended in Vancouver, the first order of business was to remember those women and pause for a moment of silence.


  7. You must be one of those “peace loving” progressives I keep hearing about.

    Nope. Angry left in the hizzouse.

    How absolutely despicable of you to deface the memories of the murdered women by using them as a political pawn to support your hatred for Stephen Harper. Don’t try to pretend otherwise.

    Yes. Have I no decency? Possibly the only thing more indecent one could do is, y’know, support someone who’s policies actively harm women. Someone who has displayed naked contempt for advocacy programs that overwhelmingly benefit women. Someone who’s caucus is trying to incrementally chip away at women’s reproductive freedom. Gee, wonder who that could be…?

    At the rally I attended in Vancouver, the first order of business was to remember those women and pause for a moment of silence.

    I am truly glad to hear that. Thank goodness Barbara Kay wasn’t in attendence.


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