Quote of the Day: Paradise Lost

by matttbastard

There’s an old saying. You can never go home again. In a sense, I have always beleived it to mean that “home” will never be the same as you remember it. Home is the time in which you live. This is our time.

We have pretty much fucked up the environment, along with the generations that came before. There are some who want to regress the social advances we have made.

They want to return to a time where wimmens “knew their place” (dictated by men, of course) and have no control over thier own bodies. Where we shut down immigration to only those they “approve” of. The rich would get richer, while the middle class dissapears and the poor become poorer and more beholden to those who have complete power over them. Where they own all of us.

Its pretty obvious just by reading history that no matter how much control the Church has exerted over people, people pretty much still do what people will do.

Who wants to go back there with them?

– pale, You can never go home again

RTWDT (Read The Whole Damn Thing) rules apply.

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One thought on “Quote of the Day: Paradise Lost

  1. Interesting views. On immigration, do you think we should allow everybody who wants to to come in?


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